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Cybersecurity in Hospitality Industry: Learn Why You Need to protect customer data


BLOG Cybersecurity in Hospitality Industry: Learn Why You Need to protect customer data Why cybersecurity in hospitality is so critical? Do you know it costs more to recover from a cyberattack than to prevent one? Let’s look at examples where cyberattacks have cost millions worldwide.   FBI’s “2018 Internet Crime Report” states that more than $2.7 […]

AI in Healthcare: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Patient Experience

AI in healthcare: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Patient Experience

The healthcare industry is in the midst of a transformation, and artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a crucial role in driving this change.  According to research and markets, AI in the healthcare market will reach USD 44.5 billion by 2026, with a worldwide staggering CAGR of 46.21%.  The AI in healthcare market growth is driven by:  […]

How mHealth is Transforming The Healthcare Industry?

Mobile Apps have Transformed The Healthcare Industry

What is mHealth? Are you tired of standing in queue to visit the doctor? If yes, then you should surely learn more about mobile health apps.  mHealth or Mobile Healthcare apps have become an essential part of healthcare industries’ settings and demands. To satisfy the customer experience majority of the professional and personal healthcare systems […]